Dad told me opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one. Pops forgot to include birthdays on that list, but for the sake of brevity I’ll let him slide. A frequent reader of The Gumption griped to me the other day: “Ted, what is it with birthdays? Every weekend someone has a party!” While I understand the sentiment, birthday parties are a worthwhile endeavor. I patted him on the back and responded: “You don’t hate birthdays, you hate Facebook.”
o Issue # 1: Pre-Facebook, if it was Joe Fringefriend’s birthday, you didn’t know and you didn’t care. Now there is a small pang of guilt because you can see it’s his birthday. This feeling leads to what I call a PP or pity post. It goes a little something like this: “Happy Birthday Man! Let’s catch up soon!” I know it’s disingenuous, but Facebook has forced me to PP all over the place.
o Issue # 2: Facebook has made organizing guest lists easier than ever, but with great invitational power comes great invitational responsibility. I got invited to a pregame last week with 78 other people. Huh? Poor spatial reasoning aside, even I see the ploy. They are casting a wide net so they attract a good crowd. They didn’t account for the fact that I am way too smart for this sort of stunt. I use the “x over 7 Facebook Invite Postulate©”. Take the number of invitees and divide by 7 and you get a good feeling for the numbers. My confidence interval is like + or – 5 people. On a slightly sadder note, I am now incorporating 7th grade algebra into planning my Friday night…no binomial.
o Issue # 3: Invites show you a list of those “attending” the soirée. For me the decision to go to a birthday is usually determined by glancing at said list. If the list contains enough people I like, I’m in. If the list contains a roster of women that look inviting, I’m in. If the list contains anyone named for a time of day, there is no fucking way I am showing up. Anyone named Eve or Dawn is predestined to ruin my night. FACT.
There you have it, and I beg you to consider the following: The more birthdays you attend; the more people will attend yours. So get out there, light some candles, make some wishes, and continue to PP freely. Hahahah that was a cheap one, but as always I am Teddy Jones and this is The Gumption.
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