Thursday, January 22, 2009


Thursday baby! Hell yeah! Fist pump! We made it!

There have been rumblings down at The Gumption, and rest assured I have taken heed. Any bear worth his salt knows what’s going on in his “neck uv da woodz” (3000, Andre et all 1999). I am worth my salt, and my paprika for that matter.

The winds of change are blowing in from the West, and spring will shortly be upon us. With the change of the season, we will be adding a new voice. The figure on the horizon is still a bit sketchy at this point, but I will tell you what I know. The voice will be one of the female variety, and she will hail from a PAC-10 University Newspaper. If you are inclined to start doing some deductive reasoning, remember my affinity for lady bears, condoms, and the state of California. We will certainly raise hell, but we will not be raising Arizona. A more formal announcement will come shortly.

With that said we wanted to publicly recognize those who have made this experiment worth continuing. Butang and I cannot thank you enough for your patience, enthusiasm, opinions, suggestions, and unrelenting desire to make this blog into something worth checking everyday. Rather than do some bullshit general thank you, we have given you each a Gumption nickname to show our appreciation.


The Inaugural Nickname List:

·      JPK

·      Detective John Kimble

·      Iron Man

·      Julianne Moore

·      Furrball

·      Lady Longhorn

·      Cloverbomb

·      The Narberth Nightmare

·      First Blonde of New England

·      The Hairy Freight Train

·      Swanky Persia

·      Marathon Man

·      Muffins

·      Marcus Effronicus

·      By Any Queens Necessary

·      Marathon Woman

·      Size Playa

·      Doctor Feel Good

·      White and Warren


Consider yourself knighted and the like. If you’re not up there yet, don’t worry about it. The Gumption loves one and all; your time in the sun will come. You know what else? We’re not done, today’s a two-bagger, check back with us around 2:30 durrrty! I’m Teddy Jones and I sincerely thank you for being a part of The Gumption.    

1 comment:

cloverbombs said...

Thanks for the shout-out! You're blog is the shit. Very amusing. My blogging partner in crime and I are regular followers. Keep up the good work. It's Thursday, bitches!