Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finalist #1

For those of you who forgot, we had a little contest not too long ago. Today we bring you our four finalist interviews. Voting will be available Friday through March 21st on the right side of the page. Good Luck!

 Contestant Number 1 

  • Why do you hate cauliflower? Its like broccolis gross stepsister
  • Who are you? Wottmania
  • What is the name of your shoe? “That’s A Good Question”
  • What is your favorite Gumption post? The Passion Contusion
  • What performance-enhancing drug is your favorite? Boli
  • Who is your favorite explorer? Desoto
  • Finish this statement: Teddy Jones is the lovable face of the Gumption.
  • Finish this statement: Butang is the adorable shitstain of the Gumption.
  • What is your favorite moment in American History? I like the Trail of Tears; it was really emotional.
  • Who is currently the world’s biggest ass clown? Boris Yeltzen
  • What really grinds your gears? Overweight African American women who walk way too slow.
  • Maple Syrup or Cinnamon AND Sugar? Cinnamon AND Sugar
  • Thelonious Monk or Coltrane? Coltrane
  • The Boss or The Boss? Whichever one doesn’t refer to Bruce Springsteen
  • Ferris Oxide or Magnesium Sulfate? Ferris Oxide
  • Why are you still here? Because this is the highlight of my workday
  • What’s your favorite sexual position (real or imaginary)? The Felonious Monk
  • Swamp Ass: Great feeling or Greatest feeling? Great Feeling, but I’m not a fan of swamp ass.
  • What’s something nobody knows about you, but a bunch of random people are about to? I make tailgates for a living.
  • Why should the Gumption public vote for you? For no reason other than I made the baddest shoe.
There you have it! Stay tuned for a second interview coming up at 11am

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