Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finalist #2

Contestant Number Two, here’s looking at you!


  • Why do you hate cauliflower? I don’t or am I supposed to come up with a reason? I don’t discriminate because they’re white.
  • Who are you? Furball
  • What is the name of your shoe? “Beartops”
  • What is your favorite Gumption post?   The Blunder from Down Under
  • What performance-enhancing drug is your favorite? Marijuana
  • Who is your favorite explorer? Magellan, he gets mentioned in Tommy Boy
  • Finish this statement: Teddy Jones is a rock star
  • Finish this statement: Butang is a hip hop legend
  • What is your favorite moment in American History? Obama’s election.
  • Who is currently the world’s biggest ass clown? Paris Hilton
  • What really grinds your gears? People who only use the elevator go up or down one floor.
  • Maple Syrup or Cinnamon AND Sugar? Maple Syrup
  • Thelonious Monk or Coltrane? Coltrane
  • The Boss or The Boss? The Boss
  • Ferris Oxide or Magnesium Sulfate? Magnesium Sulfate
  • Why are you still here? Because you’re keeping me on the phone. Is that a good answer?
  • What’s your favorite sexual position (real or imaginary)? A lady never tells
  • Swamp Ass: Great feeling or Greatest feeling? Neither
  • What’s something nobody knows about you, but a bunch of random people are about to? Nice try.
  • Why should the Gumption public vote for you? Because my name is Furball.


Contestant Number Three rolls out at 1pm.

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