Friday, December 5, 2008


Well, if you are reading this it means that you are in. Welcome! What the fuck took you so long? On this the fourth day of December, the year of our lord two thousand and eight, we are here to serve a few purposes. 
  1. To find humor in every day
  2. To share our mutual observations
  3. To lend our expertise
  4. To have some fun
With that said, we are going to have two rules round here. 
  1. Respect anyone who writes anything (post, comment, etc.). No personal attacks or anything ridiculous.
  2. You can quote any movie, song, or pop culture bullshit you'd like, however it must clearly pertain to the posting or comment.

To conclude, I will begin publishing material ASAP. If as the blog gets rolling there is a topic or post you would like to make shoot me an email ( We will always publish a well written piece, and certainly a hilarious poorly written one.
So glad you could join, its a pleasure and an honor to have you along for this ride. Should be pretty fucking interesting man....pretty fucking interesting....see what I did there?

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