Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday's Dingle Berries

Butang is still ill, and wants you to know: "I've been eating tons of that Jewish penicillin (chicken soup) (no schlomo), and I gutted out this week's Berries just for you!" 

Some thoughts and questions:

•    When did booing people by throwing tomatoes go out of style?

•    Are there restaurants that only accept Discover cards ?

•    People don't use 'psst' enough as a means of getting other people's attention.

•    Some people clap too loud.  It must hurt their hands, cause it hurts my ears.

•    If I were dating a frail girl, I'd make her tell me how frail she is while we had sex.  "I'm soooo frail!"

•    I still don't understand the technology behind Duck Hunt.   

•    How come only mermaids and the devil use tridents as weapons? 

•    I went to a bar to watch a basketball game the other night, and there just so happened to be a Buffalo Sabres game on.  And said bar just so happened to be a Buffalo Sabres bar.  Are there really that many Sabres fans that a bar in Manhattan is dedicated to this team? Gross. 

•    I think Adam Sandler is due for a new Hanukkah song.  Give Natalie Portman her respect! 

•    Who uses the casserole button on microwaves?  "Hey Steve, I'll be out in a minute, I got to reheat this casserole."

•    Can someone please tell me how Brendan Fraser continues to get work?  My theory is the studios have realized how awful he is, so they strictly put him in PG movies now (Journey to the Center of the Earth 3DInkheart), where the predominant audience doesn't know what ugly and talentless means.  

•    On the subject of movies, "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" made $39.2 million in its opening week, making it the 2nd largest January opening ever, after Cloverfield.  $39.2 million.  Who saw this?  How did this happen?

•    Why is the play clock during football games always so shaky?

•    Do people still dial 777-film?  I just called and it still works.    

•    Mittins are impractical.  Can't grab nothin'.

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